Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Today you're 3 days old.

Reactions to your pictures on Facebook:

Your Uncle Kevin: "I LOVE HIM! So beautiful!" He liked every picture I put up of you.
Dave Mistysyn: "i've said it before and i'll say it again: hapa kids = winners of the genetic lottery system" I have to agree, buddy. You are so cute.
My favorite series of comments came from Chris Dalby, who made a series of comments on the 9 photos from your first day about you beginning your domination of the Earth. That starts here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150356521465082&set=a.10150356521285082.587385.750145081

You have plenty of people to love you, but right now you only need to love one persion: your mom. She has gone through so much struggle and pain for you. She had a C-section at the doctor's strong request, and the wound hurts her a lot. There's no reason to feel guilty about this. I just want to remind you to appreciate your mom and everything she sacrificed to bring you here, every day you're on this Earth.

She jokes that you are "狡猾"--when she's feeding you, you wait until she squeezes out the milk and then drink.

She also praises you for only crying when you really need something: a diaper change, feeding, or you're too hot. Some other babies shriek nonstop in the hospital. Not you--cool from your first day.

Your 月嫂 Cheng Jie, says even your crying sounds beautiful. I agree. You do this little goat warble when you cry that is adorable.

You are one amazing little man.

- Dad

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